Discover Every Popup Type to Boost Conversions

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  • Show exclusive discounts & promotions
  • Create FOMO with limited-time offers
  • Get to know customers via exit surveys
  • Utilize multi-step on-site popup campaigns
  • Boost engagement with gamified popups
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What Are the Different Types of Popups

Popups come in various types, each tailored to different engagement goals. Common types include lightbox popups that appear centrally and focus attention by dimming the background; timed popups that show after a visitor has been on the site for a set duration; sidebar popups that attach to the side of the page, providing persistent visibility; and coupon popups, which offer discounts or special deals to engage users. Each can be customized with specific content and calls to action.

Lightbox Popups

Attract attention with visually striking popups that stand out on your website. Whether you want to showcase limited-time offers, share important updates, or display captivating visuals, the lightbox feature is designed to grab users' focus and encourage engagement.

Lightbox Popups
Special Offer Video Popup

This popup window showcases a promotional video to highlight discounts or features aimed at boosting engagement and conversions.

Newsletter Popup

This popup encourages users to subscribe to a newsletter for updates or exclusive deals, directly enhancing customer engagement and loyalty.

Email Capture Exit Popup
Email Capture Exit Popup

A timely popup that asks for email addresses as users intend to leave, turning potential exits into opportunities for future conversions and engagement.

Sidebar Popups

Strategically utilize your webpage space with dynamic sidebar displays. Whether you're promoting specific products, emphasizing key messages, or facilitating interactions, the sidebar feature optimizes content placement to enhance user engagement.

First Order Sidebar Popup arrow

A targeted popup that appears on the sidebar of a website, offering special discounts or incentives for first-time orders, aimed at immediately increasing conversion rates and attracting new customers.

Special Offer Sidebar Popup arrow

A concise sidebar notification presenting exclusive deals or promotions designed to catch the user's attention and stimulate immediate purchases by highlighting limited-time offers.

Countdown Timer Sidebar Popup arrow

A dynamic sidebar displaying a countdown timer for urgent deals or events, creating a sense of urgency and encouraging users to act quickly to take advantage of time-sensitive offers.

  • First Order Sidebar Popup

    A targeted popup that appears on the sidebar of a website, offering special discounts or incentives for first-time orders, aimed at immediately increasing conversion rates and attracting new customers.

  • Special Offer Sidebar Popup

    A concise sidebar notification presenting exclusive deals or promotions designed to catch the user's attention and stimulate immediate purchases by highlighting limited-time offers.

  • Countdown Timer Sidebar Popup

    A dynamic sidebar displaying a countdown timer for urgent deals or events, creating a sense of urgency and encouraging users to act quickly to take advantage of time-sensitive offers.

Two-Buttons Popups

Drive interactive engagement by presenting users with clear choices through two-button popups. This format simplifies decision-making, offering users straightforward options for offers, preferences, or actions, contributing to a personalized and user-friendly experience.

Product Recommendation Popup

This popup suggests products tailored to the visitor's interests or browsing history, aiming to personalize the shopping experience and increase sales through relevant recommendations.

Product Recommendation Popup
Traffic Redirect Popup

This popup is designed to guide visitors to specific pages or resources, optimizing the user journey and enhancing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns or content discovery.

Webinar Two Button Popup

This popup offers information on an upcoming webinar with two buttons for different actions, such as registering for the event or learning more, facilitating user engagement, and increasing webinar participation.

Newsletter Popup

Mobile Popups

Tailor your campaigns specifically for mobile users, ensuring a responsive and visually appealing experience. Whether you're delivering promotions, announcements, or interactive content, mobile-specific campaigns adapt seamlessly to various devices, providing a user-friendly mobile experience.

Email Capture Mobile Popup arrow

A mobile-optimized popup designed to collect email addresses from visitors, seamlessly integrating with the user's mobile experience to enhance lead generation.

Request Callback Mobile Popup arrow

This popup offers visitors the convenience of requesting a callback, facilitating direct communication while improving customer service and engagement.

Timer Mobile Popup arrow

This popup features a countdown timer, creating urgency and prompting users to take immediate action on limited-time offers or deadlines, enhancing conversion rates on mobile devices.

  • Email Capture Mobile Popup

    A mobile-optimized popup designed to collect email addresses from visitors, seamlessly integrating with the user's mobile experience to enhance lead generation.

  • Request Callback Mobile Popup

    This popup offers visitors the convenience of requesting a callback, facilitating direct communication while improving customer service and engagement.

  • Timer Mobile Popup

    This popup features a countdown timer, creating urgency and prompting users to take immediate action on limited-time offers or deadlines, enhancing conversion rates on mobile devices.

Coupon Popups

Boost conversions by presenting tempting coupon offers through targeted popups. The coupon feature serves as a powerful incentive, encouraging users to take advantage of exclusive deals, discounts, or promotions, ultimately driving increased sales and fostering user loyalty.

Coupon Code Popup

This popup presents visitors with a coupon code for a discount, incentivizing immediate purchases by offering a tangible savings opportunity directly on their browsing path.

Coupon Code Popup
Countdown Timer Discount Popup
Countdown Timer Discount Popup

This popup features a countdown timer alongside a discount offer, creating a compelling sense of urgency that encourages quick decision-making and boosts sales through limited-time savings.

Nano Bar Popups

Keep users in the loop without being intrusive using the nano bar. This small, unobtrusive bar is perfect for conveying important messages or updates discreetly. It ensures users stay informed without disrupting their browsing experience.

Offers Nanobar

A minimalistic, slim banner that discreetly appears at the top or bottom of a website, promoting special offers to subtly boost user engagement without disrupting their experience.

Full-Screen Popups

Make a lasting impression with full-screen overlays that take over the entire display. Whether you're unveiling special promotions, important announcements, or captivating visuals, the full-screen feature ensures your content occupies the center stage for maximum visibility and engagement

Free Guide Popup

This full-screen overlay offers visitors a free guide, or resource in exchange for their details, effectively capturing leads by providing immediate value and enhancing user engagement.

Survey Popups

Gain valuable insights into user preferences and opinions by integrating targeted survey popups. These surveys not only provide you with feedback but also convey a genuine interest in understanding your audience, fostering a sense of involvement and satisfaction

Short Survey Popup

This popup invites website visitors to participate in a brief survey, gathering valuable feedback while maintaining user interest and interaction.

Find the perfect popup type for your campaigns!

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100+ Delightful Popup Templates

Use pre-made templates proven to convert or design your own

Get awesome designs and customize features, colors, texts and effects according to your needs. Alternatively, upload your own image or use advanced modifications by accessing the HTML/CSS mode. Our ready-to-use library offers professionally created popups, offers, sign-up offers, discount offers, capture forms, wheel of fortune, nanobars, exit surveys & more.

  • Exit popups

  • Special offers

  • Overlays

  • Sign-up offers

  • On-site messages

  • Discount offers

  • Nanobars

  • Lead capture forms

  • Wheel of Fortune

  • Video popups

  • Exit surveys

  • Timer Overlay

  • Full-screen overlay

  • 2-step overlay

  • Mobile overlay

Exit popups arrow
exit popups
Special offers arrow
Special offers
Overlays arrow
Sign-up offers arrow
Sign-up offers
On-site messages arrow
On-site messages
Discount offers arrow
Discount offers
Nanobars arrow
Lead capture forms arrow
Lead capture forms
Wheel of Fortune arrow
Wheel of Fortune
Video popups arrow
Video popups
Exit surveys arrow
Exit surveys
Timer Overlay arrow
Timer Overlay
Full-screen overlay arrow
Full-screen overlay
2-step overlay arrow
2-step overlay
Mobile overlay arrow

Everything Popups in One Place

Overlays, Links & Surveys
Overlays, Links & Surveys

Convert more leads. No HTML or CSS required. Just copy and paste the code.

Advanced Targeting
Advanced Targeting

Target users by referral source, site content, new or returning, and even personalize content based on visitor metadata.

get responsive popups
Desktop, Tablet, Mobile

Popups look great on desktop, tablet, and mobile views. Designed for performance on smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

capture leads and increase your sales
Capture & Sell

Capture leads, build lists, increase sales, interview web visitors, promote special offers, and reduce cart abandonment

get pre-built high conversion templates designed by picreel
Proven Templates

Use our pre-made designs that offer the highest conversion rates.

monitor and improve campaign performance
Track Campaign Success

Monitor and improve campaign performance with live stats.

get customized branded popups
Customize & Brand

Brand popups with your company logo and customize fonts, colors, and more.

showcase the personalized popup to your visitors
Personalize Popups

Personalize popups with data you collected before in your databases such as name, or interested products.

Email & CRM Platforms

Get Response
Constant Contact

eCommerce & Website Platforms


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