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Best 7 Abandoned Cart Apps For Shopify To Boost Conversions

Ever feel the sting of watching potential customers abandon their carts on your Shopify website, overflow with your amazing products, and disappear into the online abyss? Abandoned carts – they’re a pain point we all know too well. That’s where abandoned cart apps for Shopify come into play! We’ll dive deep into the 7 best...
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How to Recover WooCommerce Abandoned Carts (Best Practices & Tools)

Cart abandonment is like a plague that most eCommerce marketers are affected by. If you look at the Baymard Institute research – it shows how the average cart abandonment rate across different industries is 69.8%. That’s kind of alarming because, for every 100 visitors, the average number of customers who complete their purchase is just 30. If...
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How to Reduce Bounce Rate in E-Commerce Effectively

In e-commerce, where a click often translates into potential revenue, the bounce rate stands as a crucial metric. It reflects the percentage of visitors who navigate away from a website after viewing only one page, indicating a missed opportunity for engagement and conversion. In fact, the bounce rate of ecommerce and retail websites can reach...
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10 Product Bundling Examples to Increase Your Cart Value

When it comes to product merchandising and sales, “Two are always better than one.” Successful marketers are creating product bundles of two or more items that seem irresistible to customers. Offers so exciting that they can’t skip the “Buy Now” button. Get ready to feel inspired by product bundling examples from the leading brands. From...
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Shopify’s Marketing Automation: Simplified Strategies

When it comes to online selling, simply having a fantastic product or a snazzy online store isn’t always enough to thrive. That’s where Shopify marketing automation steps in, providing businesses with a powerful tool to simplify marketing strategies, enhance customer connections, and ultimately skyrocket sales. But Shopify marketing automation can be overwhelming, especially for those...
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10 Best Marketing Automation Tools to Bring More Sales

How do you ensure that your marketing efforts stay regularized and keep your audience engaged? One of the best ways to do so is automating your marketing efforts, and marketing automation tools can assist you in the matter. Being a part of the SaaS and marketing industry for the past almost a decade, I have...
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How to Reduce Abandoned Carts in Your Magento Store (With Tools)

Here are two facts worth considering: Fact 1: Magento powers over 7% of the websites that use e-commerce technologies. Fact 2: The average Magento abandoned cart rate is 70%, accounting for a loss of about $18 billion in a year. What do they suggest? Well, if you do not take measures for abandoned cart recovery in Magento, this can...
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10 Clever Upselling Techniques That Don’t Annoy Customers

In the world of e-commerce, upselling techniques are often seen as a necessary evil. According to a 2021 Gartner survey – Around 57% of respondents confessed that they struggle to sell new products to customers. The reason behind this is – most businesses are clueless about how to maintain the delicate balance between convincing a customer to spend...
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10 Effective Shopping Cart Abandonment Solutions That Increase Sales

Shopping cart abandonment is a common challenge faced by online businesses. The average cart abandonment rate is around 70%, meaning seven out of ten shoppers abandon their carts before completing the purchase. This is a major concern for businesses because it can lead to a lot of lost sales and revenue. However, there are effective solutions that can...
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10 eCommerce Marketing Ideas to Revive Lost Sales in 2024

The US eCommerce market is expected to reach a market volume of US$1,534.00 billion by 2028. That’s a staggering number, isn’t it? But let’s face the other side of the coin – with great opportunities comes a difficulty to stand out in the crowd. I mean, the chances of old eCommerce marketing ideas (cold calls, emails, ads, etc.) boosting...
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